MY BSL and BR a Roo!?


13 Years
Apr 2, 2007
New Jersey
HI all!,
My 8 chicks from My Pet Chicken turn 2 weeks old tomorrow and have grown like weeds! anyway I had only ordered 7 chicks and i guess they threw in an extra which i believed was another BSL pullet, However one of these sexed pullets has a comb that it quite prominant than all the others....also my BR is also deveoping a comb!? Uhoh!

I tryed my best with pictures there so hard to photograph!
Heres the BSL

and heres Ther BR

ohh Ok thanks....i figured that they might just be maturing eairly!
I hope soo.

Well what about the BSL? anyone!?
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The darker coloring on the BR indicates that it's a girl.

If the sex-link were male it would be barred in color, not solid black -feather color that is- the color of the baby down would be like a Barred Rock, black with a white spot on the top of it's head.

Cute babies! They do grow so fast don't they? Just wait, by 6 weeks of age they'll be fully feathered and look just like mini chickens- So cute!
The darker coloring on the BR indicates that it's a girl.

If the sex-link were male it would be barred in color, not solid black -feather color that is- the color of the baby down would be like a Barred Rock, black with a white spot on the top of it's head.

Cute babies! They do grow so fast don't they? Just wait, by 6 weeks of age they'll be fully feathered and look just like mini chickens- So cute!

They are growing sooo fast! I cant wait till they get to the mini chicken stage! The BSL pictured seems to be the head hen. I guess shes just a bit masucline. LOL

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