My Button Quails Are Sneaky!


Angel Egg
16 Years
Dec 26, 2007
My button quail teens are almost 5 weeks old they have all the feathers and everything but i've been trying to see whos a boy and whos a girl. so far i can only spot one boy.. he's the only on with a bib.. i told Jenn * JKcove08 * i would send her pics of them but they wont stay still and there to fast to catch... and i hear the males crow but they only will crow when i'm not looking at them

They wait till i walk away and soon i start doing something i here atleast 2 maybe 3 males crow then soon i walk up to the avairy there all just standing there looking at me like ummm hi again? ....... lol

My uncle wants a pair and thats one of the reasons i've been on them like a hawk cuz i don't want to give him to females

*Edit for spelling*
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The white bib is a give-away... you sure you only have one with a bib?
I just sit there and whistle at them, and eventually one will crow or chortle back.
Some of the darker chocolate color teens have a black ring on there neck but i'm not sure if it's the bib or just the color

Then i have 1 maybe 2 with a white neck but no black line in the middle?

i've whistled before but my finches love that so they sound off when i do and i can't hear if any button males will whistle
I don't have any with a black line in the middle
... I'd say any that have white around the neck are your males. But one more week and they should be fully mature.
Post pictures of them and maybe people who have and raise buttons can help you sex them according to the bib.


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