My chicken is panting?

One of our chickens was sitting in one of the nests (I think she just finished laying an egg, or maybe was preparing to lay one), and she was panting and appeared to be breathing laboriously. It is not super hot today, but it has been extremely humid. Also, I'm curious to know if they pant after, or maybe just before and during, laying an egg. She did seem really lethargic, but when my wife pet her, she got up, went down into the coop to get a good drink, and then went back to the nesting area. Does that sound relatively normal? We haven't really observed any of them just prior to, or during, laying, so I'm not sure if the panting is a part of that.
That's not too hot, but when the heat first starts up they can take some time to acclimate.
We have a couple birds-Light Brahmas (and a son) who melt when it's 78-80 degF lol
We joke with our son that we got him chicks to be dramatic with him lol (we do take it seriously, for him and them, he just overheats quickly)

we've got fan, sled with shallow water that they love to step in and drink from, as well as ice chunks for the sled and juice jugs of ice. Lots of shade and wind/venting. And some frozen watermelon when it's above 90.

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