My chickens act like my doggies.


6 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Feather Falls, CA
Most of my chickens are older than 2 years and I have such a routine with them that they act like little doggies! At times they know the plan and lead me, other times they just follow me! I have three roosters that all get along with each other and are sweet to me as well. I'm so blessed to have this happy little flock! In these photos they are leading me to the shed where all their treats are located. I've just gathered their eggs and they know they get a treat now! My sweet birds! I gotta just love them. :love

chickens lead me to the snacks.jpg

chickens take me to the snack shed.jpg
Most of my chickens are older than 2 years and I have such a routine with them that they act like little doggies! At times they know the plan and lead me, other times they just follow me! I have three roosters that all get along with each other and are sweet to me as well. I'm so blessed to have this happy little flock! In these photos they are leading me to the shed where all their treats are located. I've just gathered their eggs and they know they get a treat now! My sweet birds! I gotta just love them. :love

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How precious!
I agree with the reply above me, chickens are not given enough credit for their outstanding intelligence. I have seen my own chickens perform tasks that have baffled me. I have seen them do things that I have never seen a dog do or any other animal that is actually credited for their smarts. I have read on several occasions that chickens are more intelligent than dogs and I wouldn't doubt it. They are just more stubborn and would rather be independent, which is totally understandable.

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