My first time incubating


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Grenada, MS
I have some silkie eggs and some salmon faverolles and a few OEGB eggs in the bator on day 5 and I candles one of the salmon faverolles that are lighter and I could see the dark spot and veins. I also saw some veins on one of the OEGB. That is all I checked. I don't think I could see much on the silkie eggs yet. But I am so excited. I will wait a few more days before trying one of the silkie eggs. I was not even sure my OEGB eggs would be fertile. So that is exciting. I actually own the OEGB hen and roo. The rest of the eggs were shipped to me by Jaynie. So I can't wait to see what I have.

I know how exciting it can be. This is my first hatch also. I only candled 6 and saw 3 moving! I was afraid to candle any more. Didn't want to jinx anything.
Good luck!
Marie, I have Salmon Favs in the incubator, too.


The shells of the eggs I have are very light colored, generally, and all I could see after Day 14 was darkness, more or less. (I have a very inexpensive candler.) It's now Day 18, and the darkness simply fills the shell more.

I can't wait for my little peeps!
Well on two of my SF's I could see the veins and the dark dot, but on the other two, I just see the yolk. There is an adequate air sack on them so I am going to leave them and see what happens. The yolk appear darker than in fresh eggs? So maybe they will be ok. None of my three Buff Frizzle/Sizzle eggs look right either. But I am hopefull about the rest. And very shocked that two of the three OEGB eggs I put in are developing. I really am. Hope all goes well with yours. Keep us posted.

I took out the 3 buffs. No formation of any kind when I opened them. I also took out the two SF's that I could not see anything on and no formation of any kinds. And one OEGB same thing. So then I had 11. Then one of my black sizzles had not progressed much so I took it out and all it had was a couple of red veins, no other formation like the others. Now I have another SF that is not progressing. I have left it in but I know it is not going to make. So I am down to 1 SF, 2 OEGB's and 7 Blue and black silkie/sizzles. I can see movement in those, and they look to be progressing nicely. It will be 11 days tonight. I am so anxious about the remaining eggs. It is hard when you work and you have to tend to them only in the A.M. and at night. I turn them in the a.m. and then when I get home at 5:30 and then before going to bed. I hope that is enough. It is amazing to see them moving like that. Am I seeing legs and stuff, or is that just stringy stuff? Looks like a miniature chicken to me. Is that right? Is that what I should see at 10 days? Thanks.

If you google search 4-H Embryology Project, it will bring you to the Lancaster page, click on that site and it shows you step by step the phases of candling through the whole 21 days. Very intersting to look at and see exactly where your chickens are at in their development. If you can't find this site, email me and I will paste and copy it to you! Good luck with your hatch. I have a large hatch on the way too with lots of silkies myself. I'm in Memphis, TN. [email protected]
Julie, I already posted on your post that I might be interested in some of yours if mine don't do well. I might be interested in some buff ones either way. Not sure. I might decide to try hatching again. But I will let you know what I get. I am in Grenada, MS, about 90 miles south of Memphis. Thanks for the info.


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