My Wyandotte Chick is a Jerk


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2024
I’m not sure what to do with this CRAZY BLRW I have. My girls are 4.5 weeks old and almost since day 1 my dotte has been a flighty, crazy, jump all over the other chicks, spaz. I feel so bad for the other girls. She jumps on top of them when they’re cuddled up with me or just when they’re foraging and minding their own business. How do I discourage this behavior? I feel so bad for the other girls. FYI, I haven’t ruled out her being a he, though other than some thick legs, I don’t see any other physical signs of a cockerel.
I’m not sure what to do with this CRAZY BLRW I have. My girls are 4.5 weeks old and almost since day 1 my dotte has been a flighty, crazy, jump all over the other chicks, spaz. I feel so bad for the other girls. She jumps on top of them when they’re cuddled up with me or just when they’re foraging and minding their own business. How do I discourage this behavior? I feel so bad for the other girls. FYI, I haven’t ruled out her being a he, though other than some thick legs, I don’t see any other physical signs of a cockerel.
My Wyandotte cockerel was super active when he was a chick on my lap.
Chickens can't be trained, separation sometimes helps but if they've been cuddled from day one, it doesn't bode well. Ostracizing happens in flocks when someone isn't acting proper. Aggressive tendencies in cockerels can be encouraged through "pet" i.e petting, holding etc. Best to be hands off until you can judge genders, then treat males like livestock and pullets as pets.

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