Neighbor found a Cornish Cross pullet, and gave her to me

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
Hi, My neighbor brought me a cornish cross pullet (Meat bird) it was hanging out in his yard and was friendly. He didn't know what kind of bird it was, and he didn't have birds, or know people that did, other than me. I told him to bring it on by as long as it was not a rooster. It looks to be about 14 weeks old, but wasn't plump because I don't know how long it was off food and water. It did have an appetite, when put in front of food it ate like it had not eaten in a while, and drank water like it was thirsty. I did put it away by itself for the night, (before it was done eating and drinking, because it was off food and water for a bit and didn't want to over do.)
This morning it was excited to get back to food and water, and I have it in a look don't touch area where she can eat, and not be pestered. Now, I have only egg layers, I didn't want to have meat birds. I can try and keep her, if I do I have to keep her away from egg birds because they would rough her up, or I can try and find her owners, and or find a home which would mean someone will eat her. If she doesn't get eaten she may just get to be fat, and not an egg layer all to just live for a year or so then die of a heart attack.

Personally, I would recommend finding someone that will use her for supper. That is what they are bred for, and she won't live a year, fat and happy. She will probably break down much sooner than that. The only way you can keep her is to keep her thinner and that means she will feel starved. It is rather like trying to keep someone from being 6 foot tall by not feeding them enough.

If you let her eat and eat - she will grow nice and plump, then her leg bones will break down.

I strongly recommend moving her out of your flock, and on to someone who can manage her. The problem with livestock for pets, is people think that they can bend the rules... and it often times doesn't work.

Mrs K
I just found another CC hen running about in our area, she came right up to me. I put her in the pen with my other CC hen that I found, and talked to a neighbor. She said The hens belonged to a lady in our development that had mental issues, and decided not to care for her birds and just let them go.
Below is the first hen...


I heard there was a 3rd one but didn't find her.
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We didn't see the goose, the people from the city thought grouse were chickens. Thanks for the drive. We stopped by a store on the way back that is a granola store, and bought baguettes, cookies, and rice crispy cake. $23 dollars later.

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