New chicken action


Mar 12, 2022
I was gifted four hens to add to my flock. I got them from my uncle because he said they don’t wanna do anything but sit on their eggs and everybody else’s. Since they came from him I know there’s no issues with them. There was no issues whatsoever introducing them to my other girls. It took them a day longer to really let a black colored one mingle in with them, it was like they never seen black before. She is still a bit Leary of the other hens. Anyway in my chicken coop where my nest boxes are I had four eggs from today that I didn’t gather because I was busy. When they all went to roost she climbed in the box and sat on the eggs. is this just because she didn’t wanna get too close to the other hens because she’s still getting used to them or is she trying to sit on these eggs already? I don’t mind if she wants to sit because I was going to hatch them out anyway eventually. Any suggestions on what to watch for or anything else. Thanks in advance for this. I love this group.
What breed is she? Hens don't typically sit on eggs unless they're laying or trying to be broody.
Australorp. My Uncle said she sat on his all The time but he didn’t want her to sit and she wouldn’t let him have the eggs.she acts broody. Walking around squaking.

Australorp. My Uncle said she sat on his all The time but he didn’t want her to sit and she wouldn’t let him have the eggs.
How to tell if she is broody.
-She will squawk/hiss and maybe bite if you get close to her or pet her
-She will turn into a pancake if you set her if you remove her from the nest and set her on the ground
-She will head straight back to the nest after being moved making a ticking sound
-Stays on the nest almost all day
-Sleeps on the nest at night

Some birds are VERY dedicated mothers and no matter how hard you try they will not break.

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