New member - broody hen question


11 Years
Jan 17, 2009
I'm Linda, on the Mendocino Coast in Northern California. I have a mixed flock of hens from Murray McMurray last spring, their "rare, unusual all pullet" mix. So unusual I've never been able to figure out what some of them are. After the raccoon wars, I've got 11 hens & 2 roosters. right now I'm getting 7 eggs a day.
One of the white Langshans got broody about 6 weeks ago. I looked up raising chicks with a broody hen on the web and followed this advice: I separated her from the flock into a warm, dry, dark, quiet place. I replaced the eggs she'd been on with others I saved, so hopefully they would all hatch at once. I opened the eggs she'd been on & found 5 unfertilized &, sadly, 5 mostly formed chicks. Counting the days, I expected hatching to happen this coming Monday, 1/19.
Well, yesterday morning I heard cheeping & there was one chick & the mama. After checking her for a couple of hours, I noticed she was often off the nest with the active chick & the eggs were cool, so I removed the chick in its own brooding box.Since then, she's been back on the eggs full time.
OK, so here's my question - if the rest don't hatch (maybe because she let them get cold for too long) is it OK to give her another set of eggs to brood? She's already been brooding quite a while. Is it unhealthy for her to brood so long? She doesn't eat or drink much, although she's almost totally inactive in her brooding trance. Linda L.
I wouldn't let her brood for over 5 weeks.

They loose too much weight and especially muscle mass.

Glad you got at least one out of them all.

New broodies are that way....

Get a bator... next time one goes broody, put some golf balls under her and put eggs in the bator.

When they hatch, slip the chicks under her at night. She can raise them.

Oh yeah, take out the golf balls.
Thanks, Mahonri,
How long should I keep her & her chick separate from the rest of the flock? When I put them with the rest of the flock, do I need to do anything special to protect the chick? When I put chick mash out in a chick feeder, will the adult hens gobble it up, or will they stick to their pellets?::

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