New pics of my mutts


12 Years
Apr 22, 2007
Merit, Tx
Here are my little mutts. The momma is a mallard dad a pekin. This is her first successful hatch. They are 5wks old tomorrow!

Enjoying a bath in their water dish


Drying off and fluffing up


Judymae I have a duck named "tommy two tone" who's mom is a pekin and dad a rouen and let me tell you they make beautiful ducks when they are older!!!
How sweet....... I am thinking of getting a duck or two........anything I need to know.? Plan on keeping them in coop with chickens............. know nothing bout ducks...!
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Okiechick-ducks are just as easy as chickens. I love mine. They do need a small kiddy pool during the warmer months. But in the winter I just give them a deep dish to submerge them into. They do like to make more messes than chicks but not too bad. I've tried giving mine duck feed but they prefer chicken food and sweet feed. They steal the sweet feed from the pig! Mine sleep in the coop but they don't use roosting poles or the nesting boxes. They sleep in a nest on the ground. Winter never seemed to bother them but we don't get too cold here in Texas. One of my ducks is handicapped. The daddy duck the pekin--walks on the top of one of his feet. I thought he wouldn't make it but he did. He gets along great but I can't let them freerange or he might get caught by a predator. When he runs sometimes he falls over. So they stay in the run unless I'm gonna be out there and watch them like a hawk. If you have questions just let me know. I love my little mutts. I didn't know a thing about them when I first gottem but I learned along the way and just really enjoy them. The Momma duck greets us each time we pull up in the driveway with a loud quack quack quack! If I go outside in the middle of the nite she starts her quacking again! The Daddy is much quieter but very protective. When the Momma was sitting on her eggs something broke into the run and tried to kill them. He protected them and was drug around the yard and plucked clean. We found him almost dead in the yard and the Momma was safe on her nest hissing at us. When we put him back in the run with her she instantly came out and loved all over him. It was so sweet!

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