New to BYC, Not to Chickens


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 11, 2009
Lake of the Ozarks
Hey im TMPoultry. I own my chickens here on our 3 acre property and we have 6 Silkies, 3 turkeys, 3 Barred Rocks, 3 americanas, 1 Brahma, 1 Buff Cochin, 1 Rhode Island Red, 6 guineas, 6 bantams whos breed I don't know - 4 buff 2 black, 6 banties who breed i don't know, and one chicken that was one of those chickens that they just throw in the box when they send them them to you. The silkies, cochin, rhode island reds, americanas, barred rocks and are mine. The turkeys are my brothers, the banties are my moms and the bantams are my sisters. I take care of all of these my parents just supply the feed and lumber. My brother and sister just claimed the ones they liked. I can say that i like the silkies the most i dont know why but i do. I go by TMPoutry because we live by a lake and our are is called thunder mountain. We didnt know why untill about 1 year into living here a tree got struck by lightning and toke out our garage, swingset (that we built less than two days before it happened) and almost fell on the chicken coop. Our chickens have just started laying regularly and we dont know what to do with all the eggs!
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---Send the extra eggs to me! My girls aren't supposed to start laying until March!

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