New to BYC


11 Years
Jan 13, 2009
Petaluma, California
Introducing myself to BYC forum. Had 4 barred rocks for about 4 years. 2 died and introduced the remaining 2, Hester and Priscilla to 2 black minorcas, Barack & Obama. It was quite a deal getting them to get along. Had to divide the pen for a couple of months or more. A little fighting when they started roosting together. When Hester & Priscilla started laying fewer eggs, renamed them Lunch & Dinner. Today just got an Americauna, Buff Brahma, Cuckoo Marana, and Dominique. The black minorcas, about 8 months old aren't too thrilled yet with the newbies, about 3 months old, so keeping them in same pen but separated. No rooster. I know they will naturally create a pecking order, even if raised together, but is there any other trick to getting the oldertimers to accept the newbies without near fatal fighting? Glad to have BYC as a source of information, and to know there are others who like having chickens in the city.
Hi welcome aboard. I formerly lived in suburbs of atlanta but no in the country with over 350 chickens, turkeys, guineas, bunnies and milk goats and cats and dog.

Great to have you here.

Glad to have you here! Your chickens' names are so cute.
I love the look of Minorcas.

Why not ask your question about dealing with the pecking order in the "Managing Your Flock" section of the forum? I'm sure you'll get plenty of hints and tips in no time.

See you around!

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