New to genetics

Are you familiar with the genetic calculator? It’s not that hard to work once you go through a bit of a learning curve, but the hard thing is knowing what genetics to start with.

Is your birchen rooster silver or gold?

Since he is blue, half the offspring should show blue and half should show black. That part is easy.

I think the pullets will be “quail” patterned, black or blue on top and silver or gold on the bottom, depending on what the rooster is.

The cockerels should be either white to off-white (I call that “rusty” for the hackles and saddle feathers with the body pretty white) with either a black or blue tail if the rooster is silver. If he is gold, then the cockerels should be gold colored with a blue or black tail.

There is some guesswork involved since I don’t know exactly where to start with your hen, but I feel reasonably confident this will be close.
Okay so if I want to get lemon blue I need one bird with the gold gene and the other one with a blue gene or do I need a bird with blue and gold gene in them?
Silver trumps gold. Since your blue birchen has silver you will not get a gold chick from him. You need at least one chicken with the blue gene and both chickens with the gold gene.

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