One chicken struggling with horizontal nipple...


Furiously Foraging
Premium Feather Member
Mar 31, 2023
New Hampshire
I'm trying to train the girls on horizontal nipples for the upcoming winter. 2 out of 3 are doing great, so much so that I mistakenly removed all other sources of water. I noticed this afternoon that Mushroom's comb looked shriveled. I'm assuming that's due to dehydration? I rarely see her drink, and when she does, it's brief and ineffective. She doesn't have the patience to sit at the nipple and drink. I put out a cup of water, and several hours later she was looking better.

What the heck do I do for winter? Is there a better way to train her? Previously I had only been putting the cup of water in between 11-3 (hottest part of the day), otherwise it's nipple drinker only. I'm willing to do a similar technique for the winter, but obviously have concerns about frostbite with an open water source.

Thanks for your help.
I'm trying to train the girls on horizontal nipples for the upcoming winter. 2 out of 3 are doing great, so much so that I mistakenly removed all other sources of water. I noticed this afternoon that Mushroom's comb looked shriveled. I'm assuming that's due to dehydration? I rarely see her drink, and when she does, it's brief and ineffective. She doesn't have the patience to sit at the nipple and drink. I put out a cup of water, and several hours later she was looking better.

What the heck do I do for winter? Is there a better way to train her? Previously I had only been putting the cup of water in between 11-3 (hottest part of the day), otherwise it's nipple drinker only. I'm willing to do a similar technique for the winter, but obviously have concerns about frostbite with an open water source.

Thanks for your help.
We've had one since we got chickens 7 years ago out here and all I ever did was show one and the rest picked it up. The chicks we start out with the vertical ones so they get used to knowing when they see red with silver in the middle, it's water, and they go right to the horizontal ones.

You've already done what I'd have suggested and that is to take their other water sources away. The only other thing I can think of is to take her over there when you haven't given her other water so she's thirsty, then gently take her head and peck the nipple with her beak a few times so she gets a few drips.
We've had one since we got chickens 7 years ago out here and all I ever did was show one and the rest picked it up. The chicks we start out with the vertical ones so they get used to knowing when they see red with silver in the middle, it's water, and they go right to the horizontal ones.

You've already done what I'd have suggested and that is to take their other water sources away. The only other thing I can think of is to take her over there when you haven't given her other water so she's thirsty, then gently take her head and peck the nipple with her beak a few times so she gets a few drips.
Thanks Debbie. They did start out with the vertical nipple you mentioned, but I think she just became too accustomed to having a cup for the summer months. I caught her yesterday drinking a lot more from the horizontal with her friend. Maybe I just need to be a little more patient!
Wanted to provide an update. We changed the nipples to a new style, and she's having more success. I don't think they're as freeze-proof as the traditional cross style, but I'm hoping they can act as a training nipple in the meantime. Made by Muddy Hill Farm. The water comes out easily with just a nudge, and collects in the larger drip tray.

I ordered some from rent-a-coop, and they included a little snap-on cup that attaches underneath. That little cup catches overflow, and some of my girls drink from those cups first, then hit the nipple for more water. You may already know this, but be careful of creating a vacuum situation (I speak from experience on that one!). Always have a way for a little air to seep in from the top of your container.
I ordered some from rent-a-coop, and they included a little snap-on cup that attaches underneath. That little cup catches overflow, and some of my girls drink from those cups first, then hit the nipple for more water. You may already know this, but be careful of creating a vacuum situation (I speak from experience on that one!). Always have a way for a little air to seep in from the top of your container.
Can I order from this source just the nipples with the cup? What is the company link?
So I used my cup attachments with the Rentacoop nipples (had to pivot from the "urinal-style" since they didn't fit my heated waterer), and they also did a good job at helping Mushroom aim. They do get quite mucky!

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