One week old chicks with infected feet?

Mar 18, 2023
Hi, I have been reading everything I can trying to find out what this is. Several of our new chicks are showing what looks like infected pads under their toenails? All I can find is bumblefoot and it's definitely not that. Under the toenails it is swollen and red and seems somewhat infected as sand or bedding sticks to them. I just can't find out if it's a symptom of a disease or if it's localized to just the feet, and I don't know if it's bacterial or fungal.
For now we have them in dry grass, will put them in a completely new box. We had kept their box clean with frequent changes of bedding. Not sure what we did wrong.
If anyone recognizes this, I'd appreciate information. Thank you!
Pictures of what you are seeing? What has the temperature been, and we’re they shipped to you? Could they have suffered frostbite while in shipping?

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