partridge silkie....showing?


5 Years
May 6, 2014
I have 3 silkies who I got from a nice local breeder. I personally find them grogeous, especially my partridge. I posted a picture and got a few odd responses about how its really not a quality chicken. I know her chest isn't black, but I'm wondering what you guys think? What's the color, how do I show her, etc? Very new to chicken show world!
Type wise, she is not bad. Her back is a bit on the long side, her wings are nicely held. Can't really tell about her feet. Her tail is held a bit low.

Colourwise, she isn't what a partridge should be. This is my best coloured partridge, and very close to the partridge standard. She's in bright sun, so a bit washed out in the photo, and it doesn't do justice to her tail or feet:

And this photo of her is on the dark side, but you can see her type better.

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