Penny Marshall is molting- is this normal behavior?


Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Long Island, NY
Hi All,

Penny Marshall my 1 year old Wyandotte Hen that had a rough go of it back in the Spring is now having a hard molt. See below link of that episode below.😍.1581943/page-14#post-27026646

She prefers to be left alone and is eating and drinking at her pace. The problem is that due to her quiet and sedentary nature she is now getting picked on by others- especially her quills that are coming in on her neck. I am supplementing her usual high protein layer feed with a few sardines and raw beef liver. She is sitting on her hocks a lot and is using the nesting box to roost at night. Since she is my special needs chicken I just want to make sure that she is okay and that there is nothing else going on here. Is it normal for a molting hen to be so sedentary and quiet. All other vitals are fine elsewise, the lack of walking was what clued me in. There is no damage to her feet or legs so I know that is not the issue. I have also checked for bumble foot and we are good there.

Thanks for reading and letting me know your thoughts!
Molting can be painful sometimes, even ones who are molting really hard. I have a Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock hen who looks like she exploded currently, & is behaving similarly.
Molting can be painful sometimes, even ones who are molting really hard. I have a Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock hen who looks like she exploded currently, & is behaving similarly.
Ok- good to know.. I have had hens that have been quiet and reserved and sit a lot when molting- but due to Penny's other condition that she overcame this Spring I think this is taking a lot out of her. Her disposition is sunny and her personality is shining- good appetite- just does not want to move lol unless absolutely necessary!
Ok- good to know.. I have had hens that have been quiet and reserved and sit a lot when molting- but due to Penny's other condition that she overcame this Spring I think this is taking a lot out of her. Her disposition is sunny and her personality is shining- good appetite- just does not want to move lol unless absolutely necessary!
You're welcome.

One thing that may help is switching feeds, molting hens, & none High Production Layer hens don't require layer feed.
I feed a 20% All Flock, or Flock Raiser feed with oyster shells on the side in a separate feeder.
Every chicken is different when molting, some take it really hard and others seem to manage like it's nothing. We use Calf Manna during molts and have had great success with regrowth and fewer issues with picking as well, worth a shot and better than cat/dog food in my opinion.
Every chicken is different when molting, some take it really hard and others seem to manage like it's nothing. We use Calf Manna during molts and have had great success with regrowth and fewer issues with picking as well, worth a shot and better than cat/dog food in my opinion.
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Good to know! Thanks all- I was trying not to worry- but was worrying the whole time. I am glad to have reached out to my BYC friends- will pick up some Calf Manna for sure!
You're welcome.

One thing that may help is switching feeds, molting hens, & none High Production Layer hens don't require layer feed.
I feed a 20% All Flock, or Flock Raiser feed with oyster shells on the side in a separate feeder.
I currently feed:

Kalmbach Feeds All Natural 20% Protein Full Plume Feathering Chicken Feed​

It has really helped with feather growth and the picking factor (I blame my lavender with the shredded feather disorder teaching everyone how to peck feathers :barnie)

Every chicken is different when molting, some take it really hard and others seem to manage like it's nothing. We use Calf Manna during molts and have had great success with regrowth and fewer issues with picking as well, worth a shot and better than cat/dog food in my opinion.
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just purchased a bag! Will keep you posted on the Penny Molt Progress! Here is pic of her enjoying her scratch and peck feed while she was briefly in the house for some first aid since her sisters pecked her new feather growth and there was some blood :(

I cleaned her up and sprayed vetracyn and watched to see that it healed nicely- she is back out in a separate area now in the coop so she can molt stress free! She spends her days in the larger pen with the flock leader who does not peck or bother her :)

its nice to have friends!

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