Picked up my new chicks!!


14 Years
Jul 10, 2008
So, its been.....15 years since i raised, showed, or otherwise dealt with chickens...and its still cool. They gross, they smell, etc...but i love it!

ANyway, we got chickens since we like eggs and we have the room for them. So, teh clock is ticking now....i havent even started building a coop yet, but tomorow morning i begin framing!!! This is not completely spur of the moment, but it is a bit by the seat of the pants. Before long well have a 8x8 coop and 25x50 run for them to run around in.

Anyway, im pretty excited about it.
I got them at the feed store, who purchases them through the local hatchery. They were OUT of Red Comets (whatever those are), so instead, we got 3 buff orpingtons and 3 barred rocks. We are starting off with only a few until we get the system up and running. Ill try to post some pics when i get a chance.

I think these guys are probably a week old, and i know i can probably find it in the FAQ, but they are in a large box now, with a brooding lamp on newspaper. Thats what we always kept them on. Should i put something SOFTER in there for them before too long? If so, what should i put? Im out in the country, so anything i do is going to have to wait until monday, but is there any household stuff i could put in there, maybe under the newspaper to make is softer. Is that even necessary?
Put paper towels on top of the newspaper to prevent spraddle leg (when their legs go out to the side). They need a surface that isn't slippery.

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