Pied coloration on a mixed Orpington


Mar 1, 2021
Downeast Maine
I wanted to share this unique looking chick I hatched a couple of months ago. She (we hope - all signs are good so far) is the offspring of my blue Orpington rooster and his daughter, who is black and from a Buff Orpington hen.
Where on earth did this pied/mottled coloration come from? I don't know but I definitely love it. She also has really unique light green eyes.

Photos of the chick and her speckled legs:


Dad and mom behind him:

We've wondered whether dad is maybe lavender, not blue - but he makes blue offspring sometimes when crossed on our Buffs. Then again, our two Buff hens (from a major hatchery) have had all kinds of wild-colored babies.

I'm not breeding for anything other than friendly personality and healthy layers, so there's nothing at stake with all this color variation - just finding myself curious where this very lively pattern came from! (P.S. definitely not the neighbor's roosters - not only would my five boys not allow it, but the neighbor's boys are a RIR and a Silkie!)
Mottling is fairly common in Orpingtons and it is a recessive gene, so that explains why your pullet has mottling. What cool speckled legs she has. I think your rooster is just blue, he seems dark for a lavender blue, though it is strange that his neck is so light in color, and he has the dark shafts found in lavender blues.

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