PLEASE HELP, hen suddenly without balance


In the Brooder
Nov 2, 2022
A few years ago I rescued a bantam who’s last owner’s house caught fire. I quarantined her and tried to get her some bantam friends but only ended up with a roosters so I kept one. Fast foward to now I keep her in a separate cage to help introduce her to some silkies chicks I had been raising. I go out to find her not being able to stand or walk and the rooster who she had been with for over a year taking advantage of her. He seemed normal so I separated her and brought her inside. All I remember from the day before is her not really having an appetite and drinking tons of water. I hold her to see if she would eat of drink and all that she had was a small amount of banana and some water I had put hydro hen in (I also looked for sprain or injury). I left her to rest peacefully inside the warm house wrapped in a towel thinking that maybe she was passing from old age considering I did not know her age and she was not a frequent layer. Now this afternoon she is still suffering and panting and I’m afraid it’s a disease. I’m not sure what I should do at this point all I can think is to cull her if she stays in this state. If anyone has experience with this I would appreciate the advice. I will attach some pictures.
Have you checked for egg binding? What's her diet?
I’m not sure how I would check for egg binding? Do I just look in her vent for an egg? If yes, then I did and it looked clear and normal. Although I googled and she does have all the symptoms to it would make sense. As for her diet she is just on purina organic layer feed occasionally with chick & co organic scratch grains. She also gets healthy scraps once a while though she is very picky.
I’m not sure how I would check for egg binding? Do I just look in her vent for an egg? If yes, then I did and it looked clear and normal. Although I googled and she does have all the symptoms to it would make sense. As for her diet she is just on purina organic layer feed occasionally with chick & co organic scratch grains. She also gets healthy scraps once a while though she is very picky.
To check for egg binding you should feel for a lump between her legs. And something you could give her to maybe help is nutri drench. I recommend putting it in a syringe and forcing her to drink it since she is sick.
I’m not sure how I would check for egg binding? Do I just look in her vent for an egg? If yes, then I did and it looked clear and normal. Although I googled and she does have all the symptoms to it would make sense. As for her diet she is just on purina organic layer feed occasionally with chick & co organic scratch grains. She also gets healthy scraps once a while though she is very picky.
Is she standing up like a penguin? Chickens are have a area between their legs that drops a bit, you want to feel for an egg. You can give her calcium citrate or tums to help the contractions.
To check for egg binding you should feel for a lump between her legs. And something you could give her to maybe help is nutri drench. I recommend putting it in a syringe and forcing her to drink it since she is sick.
I felt between her legs all the way up to her chest and it was not swollen and I could feel no egg whatsoever. She feels thinner. I’m not sure if I should still proceed with treatment for egg binding because that might be the only option. She is also pooping so I don’t think the vent is clogged.
Is she standing up like a penguin? Chickens are have a area between their legs that drops a bit, you want to feel for an egg. You can give her calcium citrate or tums to help the contractions.
No she is not standing at all. No eggs and she’s pooping. She’s trying to eat, poor thing is so strong:(.

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