Please help with shrink wrapped duckling, can't internally pip


"Even the very wise cannot see all ends.” -Gandalf
Premium Feather Member
Apr 26, 2021
Upstate South Carolina
One of my duck eggs had not internally pipped yet while the others had already externally pipped and one even hatched, so I opened it at the air cell and it is shrink wrapped. I moistened the membrane with coconut oil and there are still veins. Can it breath through the membrane without the internal pip? I'm afraid of making a hole in the membrane because I don't want to tear a vein.
One of my duck eggs had not internally pipped yet while the others had already externally pipped and one even hatched, so I opened it at the air cell and it is shrink wrapped. I moistened the membrane with coconut oil and there are still veins. Can it breath through the membrane without the internal pip? I'm afraid of making a hole in the membrane because I don't want to tear a vein.
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He died, sadly. After he died I opened the shell more and he had his head between his legs, so I'm guessing malpositioned? I wish I could have opened the shell near his bill so he could breathe better. If anyone knows of anything I could have done for next time, I'd be grateful to know.
Why did you think he was shrink wrapped? He does not look shrink wrapped in the picture, and was not at all ready to hatch yet. Next time wait a little longer before assisting.
The membrane was pulled tight around him, but I oiled it before the picture so it's hard to see. I didn't actually try to help him out of the shell, just opened at the air cell so I could see when he was ready. Maybe I shouldn't have opened it so much though.
If a chick never internally pips I am not aware of anything that can be done to help. The veins were a sign it was not ready to hatch yet. Humidity above 60 at hatch is what prevents shink wrapping. Im not sure how it shrink wrapped without pipping.
Humidity is around 75 for hatch, but I think I let the water run out once during incubation and it dropped low. Could that cause it? Pyxis' "guide to assisted hatching for all poultry" says shrinkwrapping can be caused by low humidity throughout incubation.

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