Polish Frizzle - Somethings up and I want to help


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2023
Hi Everyone,

First and foremost, this forum is the best. I always use it to learn so thank you in advance as this is my first real post.

I purchased about fourteen 1-month old chicks from the same farm at the same time (2 polish, 2 silkie, 2 brahma, 2 cochin, ...). Overall, was super happy as I've been preparing for their arrival for some time. After arriving home, the first one that jumps out and is active is the 1 of the polish (frizzle one). He quickly became my favorite. However after about 2 days, I start noticed his entire demeaner changed. He wasn't as active and he almost seemed to become an outcast. When the entire group would huddle-up together (all 13 of them), he would be 5 feet apart, by himself in the corner of the coop, with his head down. That's when I became worried about him. I'll answer the questions below on what since then has happened and what i've seen or done. Appreciate your collective so thank you in advance.

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
Polish Frizzle - aged ~approx 4-5 weeks old. He does not seem lighter/thinner. However, due to his/her age and having frizzled feathers, I do see his skin between the feathers.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
Not active. Does not really want to walk. He sometimes walks, but definitely does not run. The other chicks are running, flapping their wings, jumping around, chirping...bascially super energetic. He stays to himself and is completely different. He does walk but not that often and it's quite slow. He sits down a bit or stands in the same place. He also turns his head/neck back to scratch under his wings, his back, wherever. Maybe it's preening his feathers. I'm not sure if that is normal or not. The other chicks don't do it as much, but then again, he is the only frizzle so maybe it's unique to frizzles. He also sometimes stretches his neck up high and opens his mouth like a stretch (no noise) - I attached a picture of this. Lastly, he sometimes puts his head in the feeder and just sleeps there (at least that what I think because he isn't making any movements to indicate eating).

In terms of symptoms - I have tried to listen for wheazing or gasping or sneezing or coughing- zero as of now. He also does not have a runny nose. His eyes are not puffy. His legs seem clean and fine. I do not see any signs of trauma. I attached pictures, maybe you will see something.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
I've had him for 5 days. On the first day, I did not notice anything odd about him. Only the past 4 days. I will say that the first day may have been unique, because the others were a bit timid but now are having the time of their lives running, jumping, etc...Maybe the polish was like this when I got him, but I remember the first day him being the most outgoing.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
No. I also isolated him by creating a mini-chicken coop in the garage that he will hopefully recover in over the next 7-10 days.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. No, I have done a physical and visual test. I'm not a doctor/vet, however, I read a few posts and watched some youtube videos on how to get a physical examination of the a chicken and what to look for.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
He has moved to a new place. That is the only major thing that I can think of.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. He is pecking at the feeder all day, almost non-stop. I can't imagine he is eating all of it. However, he is pooping regularly so some of time he is eating. There are other times, that he just puts his head in the feeder and doesn't move (looks like he's sleeping....or like what those cartoon ostriches do when they just stick their head in the ground).

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
Looks normal to me

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
I have isolated him for 3 days now, plan to do for total of 10 days. I have put vitamin C (oral powder) and enrofloxacin (oral solution) into his water feeder. In addition, I gave him an epson salt bath today for 5 minutes. I also gave him a few drops down his through and rubbed a bit on his body - VetRx. Each day, I bring his little coop outside so he can get fresh air. I also let him walk around the front yard under my supervision on the grass (for about 10 minutes) so he can get sunlight. He does take a few steps but he isn't running around by any means.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? I live in Dubai so there are no vets that treat chickens. So i plan to do it myself and hopefully with some insights from you all on how to best manage this situation as I really want him to get better.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
I attached a bunch of pics, from him just standing, to close ups of his face, to him taking a dust bath this morning

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
In the chicken coop - it is dirt.
In his isolation area - large cardboard box, with rubber mat laid out, with allergen-free thin wood shavings on top. I've also put a 75W normal lightbulb about 1 foot off the ground towards 1 side of the box.

Again, appreciate everyone's input and pardon the long post but hopefully it provides enough information for you. Lastly, thank you in advance


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That picture of it stretching out its neck with opened beak, does it do this often? It's like it's trying to clear its throat, if this happens often, is it possible it got something lodged in its throat?

Feel it's crop in the mornings it should be empty, evenings full. Is Nutri Drench and/or Poultry Cell available to you?

What are you feeding?

What's your climate like, temperature?
It's fully feathered and should not need a heat source, or is it a lite source?

Could you take a picture of its poop?

I would suggest Corid, just in case (coccidiosis) but not sure if it can be given since you're currently administering Vitamin C & Enrofloxacin ... Will ask @dawg53 ... Thank you in advance.

Will ask others that have more experience with illness than I do ...

@casportpony @Wyorp Rock @aart @EggSighted4Life @Kiki
Thank you in advance
He is pecking at the feeder all day, almost non-stop. I can't imagine he is eating all of it.
He might be having trouble picking up food because his beak is a little overgrown. I would trim or file it back a bit. I would also give him some extra nutrition from scrambled eggs for a few days along with the usual chicken feed and see if he starts perking up.

Treating for coccidiosis is a good idea. Won't hurt if it's not the problem, but will save his life if it is.
Hi everyone, thank you for your responses. So I've been trying to source a medicine for coccidiosis. It's quite hard here. However, I was able to find Vapco Vazuril (pic attached) from a pharmacy about an hour away so I will drive there today. I did trim back his beak a little. I also attached a pic of his poop and gave him scrambled eggs. He is a bit more active today especially when I have him roam around the yard. Overall, I would say that he is better but definitely not even 30% as active as the other chicks.

A local vet told me to give the following (what are your thoughts):
"For 5 days-
8hrs joprol
8hrs multivitamin+ vitc
8hrs tylosine
Continue after that by multivitamin vit-c and repeat joprol after 21 days"


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Also, forgot to answer the question of the crop. I did an physical examination of the crop. It did not feel full or hardened. I compared the feeling to another chick and it was feeling the same.
The Vazuril is Toltrazuril which is the best anti-coccidiosis medication there is. It's better than Amprolium. No need to use Amprolium.
Go ahead and give it to your chick per directions on the bottle or the vet.
Remember, dont give her anything containing Thiamine (Vitamin B-1) while giving her the Vazuril. It would be counter productive.
Then after the treatment with the Vazuril, give her some probiotics to aid in her recovery.

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