Pros and cons for brooding chicks in a coop

If your coop is predator proof,
and if you can provide heat when the chicks need it (depending on the temperature at this time of year, they may not need it anymore),
and if you do not have adult chickens in the coop (or have a separate space in the coop for the chicks),
then I see NO cons to moving the chicks out.

This. Exactly.

The only con was that before I put the floor into the Outdoor Brooder I lost 7 chicks out of a batch of 12 (bought chicks, of course, not flock mutts), to a blacksnake that somehow found an opening despite the coop sitting on packed gravel so hard that we can't dig into it without a pick.

The pros are that the chicks are hardier, wean themselves off heat, don't stink up my house, and have far more room to move around, and in that 4x8 space I have only the most minimal cleaning to do in the 4-5 weeks they live there.

I brood my chicks in an outdoor coop of their own from day one. The coop is 8x4, kinda big for a dozenish day old chicks, so for the first couple weeks of their life I will divide the brooder/coop with cardboard so they don't wander too far from heat/food. By 3 weeks I remove the cardboard and they have free reign of the coop.

I take the barrier down after a week. At that point they know where their heat, food, and water are and they're threatening to start to fly so I don't want one to go over the barrier and get trapped away from the heat, food, and water.

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