Quail pen questions


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12 Years
Jun 25, 2007
at the covered bridge, PA
I am working on making a pen for my quail. It is 4X6. I plan for them to be on the ground to make it like their natural habitat since they are purely for pleasure. I want to plant some plants or shrub that they can hide in. What would be good to plant? I'm also planning to put in a hollow log for them to hide in, and maybe a little box of sand to scratch in. Is there anything else that they would like? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I understand your motives completely BUT I would worry big time about snakes! Plus there's the worry of other predators digging under the pen. In my opinion, I would build the pen off the ground and maybe make a tractor they can go in when you're out there with them. However, I've had very little experience with quail (just a few buttons last year) so I may not be the one to ask.
Small trees such as dogwood, wild plum and upright shrubs give good shelter without becoming too dense underneath or too tight a canopy above

Quail favor annual plants such as ragweed, partridge pea and foxtail,

Grasses and legumes, when burned or grazed to keep at least 20% of the ground bare (free of plant material), give quail a good place to roost, nest and raise their young.

hope this helps you out ..

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