Question about duck eggs


Apr 30, 2023
Hi everyone,
I have some khaki campbell duck eggs that I am incubating after a fox killed the parents. Today is day 18 (I started counting 24hrs after I put the eggs in the incubator). So, my question is: should I expect ducklings hatching on day 28 (like, coming out of the egg) or day 28 means they start hatching that day and take a couple of days to hatch (like day 30 or 31).
I am a bit worried because I have a work trip and I am leaving on for a few days on what would be day 30. I mean, in case any duckling needed help I would not be home. Only my husband would be there and he may not know what to do.
I think they should all be out by the end of the day on day 28 if the temperature has actually been 37.5 the whole time. So if they were set on a Wednesday, they should hatch on a Wednesday or possibly before.
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Gracias por preguntar :)
I had 3 eggs due today. One hatched by itself, one internally pipped but no external pip (for 36 hrs) so I made a very small safety hole and that duckling is still alive.
The third egg is not doing so good. No shadowing or internal pip, seems that it may need a couple of days more, but I have a feeling it won't hatch. My husband will have to check on it and help if necessary.
I have 3 more eggs due next week.
Gracias por preguntar :)
I had 3 eggs due today. One hatched by itself, one internally pipped but no external pip (for 36 hrs) so I made a very small safety hole and that duckling is still alive.
The third egg is not doing so good. No shadowing or internal pip, seems that it may need a couple of days more, but I have a feeling it won't hatch. My husband will have to check on it and help if necessary.
I have 3 more eggs due next week.
Update: I have now two little ducklings, already eating and running around (yay!!).
The third one was not in the right position. I found a little bruise on day 29 and made a small safety hole in the middle of it, I could see the beak Was there, at the wrong end. Sadly, the duckling passed a few hours later inside the egg. After he passed, I opened the egg a little more and saw that his yolk sack was still not absorbed. So probably too weak or undeveloped.
I hope I get some more ducklings in the next batch.

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