Question on Canker and treatment


Nov 11, 2020
Ok So I was hoping all you knowledgeable people could help me understand this… Quick back story that led me up to this point..

There was a group discussion between me and few others on Canker and treatments… Some one then offered up treatment advice that has been apparently “well known”(I never heard of it)for several years now and recommended by several breeders…Abreva!?

So from my understanding…Canker in poultry which is Trichomonosis has to be treated by bacterial or parasitic medications no? So this person then proceeded to say that they started to treat their chicken with it but did not make it to a full week of treatment that is required to start to show its full effect bc in the mean time her chicken was eaten by a bear BUT from the couple treatments she did ..she said she can say that it did definitely reduce in size. HOWWW?! :barnieHelp me understand this!!! Cause I’ve been trying and even tried looking it up but can’t find an answer. Im stumped and its driving me insane bc Im crazy like that:lau When I want to know the answer to something and can’t find it I will drive myself mad.Oh and thank you all in advance!:D

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