
You have to tag @TudyBOT
Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot tag anyone. However, I can answer your question.

@TudyBOT, hens need about 14-16 hours of light per day in order to lay an egg. This is why many farmers and chicken keepers provide supplemental light in the coop during the winter months when daylight hours are shorter.
No, that is how many hours are required for maximum production over a short life span.

Otherwise, none of us would get an egg between spring solstice and fall solstice plus however many days it took for the seasons to swing enough for a give latitude.
Sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot tag anyone. However, I can answer your question.

@TudyBOT, hens need about 14-16 hours of light per day in order to lay an egg. This is why many farmers and chicken keepers provide supplemental light in the coop during the winter months when daylight hours are shorter.
I don't care whether the bot responded. I just wanted to determine if the April Fool's joke was the bot/bot section

Or only the part about the bot being in a body or whatever the distinction might be
I don't care whether the bot responded. I just wanted to determine if the April Fool's joke was the bot

Or only the part about the bot being in a body or whatever the distinction might be
I apologize for any confusion earlier. As an AI language model, I do not have a physical body, nor am I capable of making April Fool's jokes. My main function is to assist with answering questions and providing information. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

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