
Hi. I live in southern Maine, in a small town named Gorham. We have about 5 acres and fairly close neighbors, but they don't complain about the chickens. There is no zoning here so we can keep all kinds of farm animals. I have 12 hens and 1 rooster in a 6x6 henhouse with a totally enclosed wire pen to let them out when the temps get out of the single digits. The chickens are quite spoiled. I give them treats often of broccholi, kale, lettuce. cracked corn, many table leftovers, of course layer pellets and other treats. Even with this cold spell, I am getting 4-5 eggs a day. The hen house is insulated,but on very cold nights/days I keep an infrared light on that keeps it from 20 to 40 degrees. I clean the soiled shavings(under the roost mostly) about every month. Chickens are a lot of fun and if you raise them from day old little fluff balls and name them, they become even more special! Merry

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