Rockin egg in bator??


I just bought 2 wafers from D.R. Supply for 11.95 to have as spares. Tractor supply had still air for $45 here too, but D.R. supply has good prices too even for shipping.

Interesting bator pics, do you have something underneath to catch the babies when they hatch? From your pics I would think they would fall through that grate and possibly drown in your water tub. Don't want that! :eek:

Good luck with your hatch! I had eggs rock before they hatched. They were especially motivated if you peeped at them!
I have a screen I am going to put in there tomorrow. The water dish has about 10 drops of water in there. I also use a damp cloth, to keep the humidity up. So far so good. Im just scared to move them, to put the screen in....ugh!
I should have put it in there from the beginning. sometimes I will stand at the little bator, and cluck.. Hubby just rolls his eyes and walks away!
But when I do that, it rocks MORE! It hears me, and knows me as momma already?? HOW COOL is THAT!??
Very Very Cool. We had a blast (DH and I) peeping at them. We had our own Peep Fest to encourage them--glad the neighbors can't hear! LOL!

DH's seem to warm up to them after a while, mine comes in now to the brooder and peeps at them just to seem them jump up and peep back! DH was trying to act as tho he is not interested in the 18 Buff Orps I have in the garage as well. The other day, we was looking in on them , and one "flew' over the side, and on to his arm. I swear, he was like a little kid......" did you see that? It jumped right on my arm!! Did you see that?? " I was LMAO!!!!
He may be 6 ft 3" and 230 lbs....but baby chickens can melt anyones heart.
Well, I have heard that the still air one is not the best for sure, but better than nothing. It is a way to start out, which is what I am doing. I do plan to get a better one at some point, if I decide to hatch any more. This may be a one time deal, who knows. I just hope out of 17 I get a few to hatch?? We shall see.


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