Rooster off balance


6 Years
Jul 30, 2017
Hi y’all! It has been really yucky in my chicken run with all these storms. All our soil is Adobe mud, and it takes forever to soak up. We’re in Northern California so this is the first year I’ve really experienced this with the run. Poor flock are in poopy mud puddles ankle deep most of the run. I’ve been trying to keep the water clean, but you know chickens… they still prefer poopy mud water *eye roll*

Well, we’ve had almost constant rainfall/ storms on and off since January. And I just noticed a few days ago my big BCM rooster is just slightly off balance. If he looks all the way up, he’ll stumble a little and when he walks you can noticed a slight imbalance.

With all the water and mud, I’ve been concerned about their feet and so far his are okay (no bumble yet) so I’m curious if you might think this could be a thiamine deficiency? There is no sign on trauma on his head or anything I can see.

Would it be safe to treat him as if he has a deficiency? And also, what would be the best yet? B12 to the mouth, or in water? Fortified cereals? I’ve never had this problem before, but there really isn’t much green grass here yet. I’ve been trying to supplement with other veggies.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and he’s the only one presenting these symptoms. Thank you in advance!
Is there a reason you suspect thimine deficiency? I believe B vitamins are safe to give in excess because the extra exits the body. I know that for ducklings some recommend the injectable B vitamins given orally on a treat. Check the threads about nicine deficiency. I would think that would work for chickens. Otherwise I know their are other things sold to give chickens overall vitamin boosts.
Is there a reason you suspect thimine deficiency? I believe B vitamins are safe to give in excess because the extra exits the body. I know that for ducklings some recommend the injectable B vitamins given orally on a treat. Check the threads about nicine deficiency. I would think that would work for chickens. Otherwise I know their are other things sold to give chickens overall vitamin boosts.
I’m suspecting it mostly for the unbalance I’ve noticed in him. It’s very slight right now, and I don’t think it’s from moldy food because I’ve been really good about keeping food covered and out of the rain, and have discarded any food that got wet. I also see no injury on him anywhere.. so I’m guessing vit b deficiency?

In the meantime I gave him some eggs with a dose of nutra drench. I think I’ll just dose the whole flock in the water. Couldn’t hurt.
Took my boy to the vet and vet thinks it Marek’s :( he didn’t take a blood sample to test, though. My Issac is almost 4, would it take that long to show up? His balance issues aren’t severe, none of the telltale splits, he walks great. So, I don’t know. Maybe I’m in denial? The vet never even mentioned a deficiency of E or B vitamins. It felt like a rushed diagnosis.

Either way, I got sent home with an anti inflammatory and acyclovir fir the next two weeks. Fingers crossed.

*trying to figure out how to add a video 🤔
I don’t know if that link will work or not, it’s a video of Issac.

But I’m incredibly frustrated. in January I had to euthanize a hen due to advanced neurological issues, it started with stumbling and just got worse over about a month (she never got the splits, she would tip to one side). So of course I got a necropsy done, and it was ruled out as a head trauma (no obvious outward sign, but a hemorrhage was found right side of cranium 😔) AND NOTHING ABOUT MAREKS. It was also noted that she was in perfect health otherwise. Fast forward to two months later, my rooster is now a little wobbly, this new vet think mareks, I show him the necropsy report, he says, “I doubt it was a head trauma“ and calls Mareks.

I’m sorry but who is he to question UC Davis necropsy? And if he’s right, how did they not catch Mareks in her report??! I’m sorry, I’m just incredibly frustrated and scared. I don’t want to lose my entire flock, I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place with no help.
Hello, I'm having the exact same issue with my rooster as well. Were you able to find a solution?
Hello and I’m so sorry you are experiencing this with your boy 💜

I gave him a tbsp of nutritional yeast on a scrambled egg each morning, I also emptied one vitamin e tablet onto a scrambled egg each night, along with 1/4 b-complex tablet.

He regained his balance within about a week of this regime. I had to scour the internet for all this information, I hope it helps your boy 💜


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Hello and I’m so sorry you are experiencing this with your boy 💜

I gave him a tbsp of nutritional yeast on a scrambled egg each morning, I also emptied one vitamin e tablet onto a scrambled egg each night, along with 1/4 b-complex tablet.

He regained his balance within about a week of this regime. I had to scour the internet for all this information, I hope it helps your boy 💜
Thank you! I hope this helps as well ^^
Also I'm glad your rooster is doing better!

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