Saving the life of a rooster?


Mar 11, 2023
I am thinking about saving the life of a rooster. I will give it a nice outdoor coop and run, and I will bring him indoors sometimes to sit on my lap while I’m on the computer.

If I do get a rooster, will the “No crow collar” help reduce the volume of his crowing? And can he wear the collar for his entire life?

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I personally have never used a crow collar, but I know that there are mixed opinions on them. Some say they work others say not really. And I know too that there's a risk of your rooster choking on food while wearing it. Is it a specific rooster you're looking at? Cause smaller breeds like bantams have a much quieter crow. It's really up to you in the end though. It's always worth a try.
Thanks for the reminder. I’ll stick with female chickens.
And make sure you have more than one. Ideally more than two, even, because if you have two and something happens to one of them, you're down to one single lonely chicken. Solo chickens bond to their humans strongly (for lack of other species-appropriate friends) and suffer when their humans aren't there 24/7. And there's no way you can be there 24/7, because you have your own life and needs.

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