Sedgwick county 2014 poultry showing results

white guinea333

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 14, 2014
Okay, there was a lot of chickens this year. When I checked in my bids I was not able to bring my black langshan rooster, buff orpington rooster or my muscovy ducks
. But with my White guinea fowl male, black australorp hen, rhode red hen, and silver laced wyandotte hen I brought home some really good ribbons. My white male guinea fowl brought home a couple grand champion ribbons, and a couple blue ribbons. My rhode island red hen brought home 2 blue ribbons, and my silver laced wyandotte hen brought home 2 blue ribbons as well. Now I am very proud of my black australorp hen because she not only brought home the most grand and reserve grand champion ribbons, but also brought home a couple blue ribbons and is reserve grand champion standard size chicken out of the entire show! Thanks BYC for helping me on my first show!

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