Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

My family does steamed frozen veg a lot. It does not have the taste that unfrozen has. The veggies also taste steamed.

Mmm, packaged junk is so good though. Hard to resist.
I've become increasingly dissatisfied with the food I buy in the supermarkets, particularly when it comes to packaged fruit and veg. I don't want, or need, or can use up before it goes off, a family pack of something. I don't want the packaging and find it irritating that I can't properly check the contents. There used to be greengrocers. You know, shops that only sold fruit and veg.:old
It's the same where I live. V disappointing fresh food. The greengrocers are not much better, but at least there are 2 to choose from. The farmers' market is pretty good, but it's only once a week and such a long drive.

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