Should I or shouldn't I: Buff Orps


12 Years
Apr 23, 2007
Graham, WA
I'm going to pick out chicks tomorrow & I'm conflicted. Can you help? I want chickens for eggs-- I keep reading about how wonderful and friendly and beautiful the buff orpingtons are & every time I look at the pics, they call to me, but I also keep reading that they are not the best egg producers. If I get 2 Black Austrolorps, 2 Barred Rocks & 2 Buff Orpingtons, will the first two breeds make up for what the BO's don't produce? Or do you think I'll be more happy in the long run with a couple of more productive birds, like RIR's or something? I just need eggs for my family of 4 (one being a toddler). Thanks!
RIR are more prolific layers overall in the spring and summer. But the Barred Rocks and Orpingtons tend to be better winter layers.

You should be able to find a RIR/Barred Rock cross Which tend to give the best of both worlds.

Those are my best suggestions.
Go ahead and get two of each. The orpingtons lay well enough for family egg use and they are delightful birds.

Orpingtons still lay a lot of eggs, even if not as many as RIRs. For a family sized flock of just a few birds, the difference between them will probably only amount to a few eggs a week. Go with the bird you really want.
I have 2 Buff Orpintons, 2 Astralorps and 2 RIR. I get 5 to 6 eggs a day. The RIR lay jumbo eggs, they are adults, and rather friendly. The buff orpintons are laying med to large eggs they are pullets, and very docile and sweet. The Astralorps are laying med eggs,they are pullets and are also just as sweet as my buff's. They are all very social with us. We sit out back and let them free range. They come up and lay down right next to us regularly. They like to follow me around especially if they think I have food. And will join me when I'm out digging in my garden. If I was to add another 2 to my flock I would get the Buff's or Astralorps. I too have a toddler (4) and she loves to be around them, and they don't mind at all. Hard to decide. Have fun with your new flock!! Their loads of fun!!
Just to add--RIR hens are nice birds, too. I wouldn't advise anyone against getting them. It's just that if you want the Orp personality, get the Orps.

I would suggest Buffs too. I think they are a wonderful all purpose bird. They are quiet and good natured. They tend to go broody and are very serious about it too. I think they are good layers.

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