Should I or shouldn't I? Ducklings' the question...


12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
North Carolina
I'm still in the middle of chicken fever, yet the duckling being raised by the little boy I work with classroom is seriously pulling on my heart strings. I've been a duck fan as long as I've been a chicken fan, but never knew much about domestic ducks so never really thought twice about owning a couple. Between this site and that wee little Runner, I'm finding it harder and harder to tell myself it's just not possible for me to own ducks as well.

So, pros and cons anyone? How would, say, 2 ducks fit in with my chickens? Can they share the same coop at night (there'll be plenty of room...8x8 and as of right now we only have 5 chicks)? I know how messy ducks are, we rescued a mallard when I was a child and boy could he make a lot of mess for a little bird!

It's not a question of me providing a happy and safe home, but rather the question of whether I would just be in way over my head. I'm a full time student with a full time job and a full time animal house! Granted, my pets keep me sane.

Thanks for any help. You guys rock.
Well, I don't know how well they would do with chickens (mine are separate just for convenience, and are quite happy that way), but I have to say... I love my duckies!!!

I mean, I love my chickies too, but watching those little quackers waddle around, wiggle their tails, and splashing in their pool is just TOO much fun. So I'm totally biased, but I say yes, two ducks would bring a lot of joy to your life!
We are still waiting for our little ducklings but we do have goslings. They are the sweetest things watching them strut the yard so white and beautiful is a thrill. I can't wait until June 15 when we get our ducklings and more goslings. Micki
I tried keeping my ducklings in with the chickens at night, but soon gave up. It just didn't seem to work. They made way to much mess and I felt sorry for the chickens.
Once my ducks got old enough to become head strong, they refused to "coop" at night anymore. I gave up and let them have it their way. Better for everyone-they moved into the old dog house during cold weather and sleep in the yard during warmer times. Their preference, and impossible to change their minds.
Ahhh, I had completely forgotton about this question I posed! Thank you for the replies.

I still would love to have a couple ducks and/or geese, but still worrying about the situation. At the moment, I just can't afford to make seperate accomodations for them, so it would either be sleeping with the chickens in the coop or sleeping outside, which really scares me. How much space to they require house-wise? Would something small-ish be ok?

After the coop is finished, the next project is a 'garden pond' with Koi and I just know the ducks would get into it, yet I've also been reading that they need fresh and clean water for playing daily. If I provided the fresh and clean water elsewhere, would it be harmful for them to splash in the garden pond? There's also a little creek on the edge of my property that stands more than it moves, particularly during the summer when we don't get so much rain. Would that be harmful as well? I don't see issue with it, but I've also never raised domestic water fowl.

On the same water note, are they happy enough with a couple small pool areas (think size of a kiddy pool, maybe 2 of them) around? I worry that I wouldn't be able to provide enough in that arena to keep them happy.

Are geese any less maintenance then ducks? I adore geese as well.

Ahh, questions questions questions!! Thanks guys
Just saw this thread or I would have answered sooner. I thought I wanted ducklings?? I got four day old ducklings from the Amish. It is like a two sided coin. They have got to be the most entertaining things you will ever have yet they are the messiest, stinkiest little creatures. I hate having them in the coop as the chickens are ever so much cleaner and don't smell the place up like these four darlings. Now mind you I have 25 chickens now and four ducklings.
They want to stay outside but I can't deliberately leave them to the predators! I have such mixed feelings. One day I want to sell them and the next I want to keep them. LOL They are like the Keystone cops. At the drop of a hat it is like there is an emergency and they off and running. So funny! Their water antics will keep you laughing.
If your garden pond includes water plants, I would think they would quickly fall victim to the ducks rooting around.

Our 4 ducks are quite happy with their tiny little pond. I have a smallish (2 x 3 feet) tub that I keep filled for them. They have another even smaller tub (one can sit in it but not swim) that I put elsewhere just so they have water in at least two places.

I do plan to add a kiddie wading pool or two, and I WISH I could add something deep enough for them to truly dive in.

But mine are perfectly happy with what they have. I think ducks will be glad to have as much water as you can give them, but can happily make do with a little. (They do HAVE to have deep enough water to dunk their heads though, not just a little dish.)

I'd have to agree that they will probably ruin plants in a water garden, and might eat the fish as well. I don't think the two could co-exist very well.

And my 26 chicks are nowhere NEAR as messy and stinky as 4 ducklings were. I don't want to keep them together just because the ducks are too messy, and it would create too much extra work. They're happy enough in a rabbit-hutch turned-coop (mostly wire sides so it stays cleaner) ... they'd be even happier if I let them sleep in the yard, but I doubt they'd survive it.

Jsto I have two 4 month old goslings and now have 6 more week old goslings They are embdens I have three under the bed storage boxes and a kiddie pool for the older ones and they are happy. We would like to build a pond but DH says snakes will get in so they will have to be happy with the pools. I have read that they don't really need a big pond to be happy aslong as they have some sort of water to play in. I just love watching my little weeks olds play in the two inch tubs I put into their brooder. They get wet then chase each other around the pool brooder we have them in They love it Once they are older I will put a deeper pool in and let them swim. For now they can preen themselves and play alittle as well. Micki

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