Should I use different waterers?

Feb 26, 2024
Hey guys! I have 15 chickens (Two roos and 13 hens.) and I was wondering if their was a better option for watering my flock. I use the typical 5 qt. chicken waterers from tractor supply but I just don't feel like they are getting enough water from them. I have three that I use for all 15 of them. Just wondering If anyone uses something different that works better. Thank you!
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I've seen many different set up's and really it's whatever is most convenient for you to keep clean and not run dry like already stated. Just for ideas, this is what I use: Rain Barrell with cups. I only have to clean out and refill during bi-weekly during summer. I have a screen on top so that no one jumps in that also keeps debris out, collects rain all winter.

I use an open bowl. They aren't ducks, they don't step into the water.

You can also put water into their feed, depending on your feed set up. They like the moist feed. You would not have to soak the feed, just add some water so that it is a little moist. This would give them more water.
I use an open bowl. They aren't ducks, they don't step into the water.

You can also put water into their feed, depending on your feed set up. They like the moist feed. You would not have to soak the feed, just add some water so that it is a little moist. This would give them more water.
I use a bowl too, it's usually clean but sometimes they tip it over :hmm
I use a 2.5-3 litre bell type plastic waterer for 17 chickens. I have two and swap them each day in summer. Less often in winter.

Even in summer here. Which has an average of 95 (35) and can get up to 110 (43) they have never drank all of it during one day.

The smaller one is more convenient for my wife and mum to carry as it light and easy to manage. Also less water waste as we run on rain water tanks.

Giving them a feed of soaked pellets/crumble can help assure you they are getting at least some water also.

They don't have lips. It may not look like they are getting much a beak full at a time. But they are.

If you go to a smaller waterer you can better monitor just how much they are actually drinking.

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Those are great: easy to find, cheap to buy, clean up easily.

We use 3 in our run. We hang one off the back of the coop, we place 2 others in the run, on blocks. We also purchased a 6 gallon one. The 6 gallon one is nice bc we use the heater base with it in the winter. Keep your waterers shaded/water cool bc the chickens, as much as they love mud puddle water, don’t drink warm to hot water.

Another way to get any animal to drink more water is to soak their feed. In the hot weather, when the chickens, wearing their down jackets, hunker down in dirt pits to ride out the heat and don’t move, therefore don’t drink, I provide wet feed with ice cubes. This is provided once most/all of their run is fully shaded by around 2-3 pm. The LOVE IT! When chickens don’t drink enough, their laying suffers.

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