Show me how you house your geese

My geese (and ducks) very much would prefer to sleep under the stars, even in the most inclement weather. However, for their protection when they are young, I find you can train them very easily to "go to bed" into whatever shelter you have.

I use all portable field shelters on skids. This allows me to rotate them around the pasture so no one area gets worked too hard. This is from last Spring. All the juvenile ducks and geese are inside the poultry netting, the larger ones are outside telling them who is boss. The pasture perimeter is electric high tensile, so the poultry netting is a 2nd line of defense... but mostly keeps the bigger animals from eating all the food.

As long as they can get out of the wind and wet it's enough. Geese are plenty hardy.

Mine get locked up with the chickens at night. Lots of people just use a big dog house.

I do have to chase them in every night. They would sleep outside if they could. Too many things that go bump in the night here.

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