showing help

duck mad 2012

In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 6, 2012
hello everyone
iam showing my chickens on saturday and would like to know when should i bath them?
also i notice today some have split feathers what can i put on them to make them go back together?
and 1 more thing what product can i just to make them nice and clean i currently use baby shampoo
thanks xxx
What type of chicken are you showing? With most breeds of chicken, I usually like to wash them about 3 days before the show. They're usually dry by the 2nd day, and don't have much time to get dirty before the show.

However, with heavily-feathered breeds, like Cochins, I would wash a little earlier to allow them time to dry. Don't wash too soon, though, or they won't be quite as clean at the show.
What type of chicken are you showing? With most breeds of chicken, I usually like to wash them about 3 days before the show. They're usually dry by the 2nd day, and don't have much time to get dirty before the show. 

However, with heavily-feathered breeds, like Cochins, I would wash a little earlier to allow them time to dry. Don't wash too soon, though, or they won't be quite as clean at the show.

Hello they are seramas x
I have always found that bathing the night before with true bantams is a good idea. I tend to start at around 5 pm day before and give them. A hair dry. They don't like it at first but after a few shows they start to love it. They lift up their wings and let you get underneath. Once three quarters dry I put them in a dry box. I have four or five of these depending what room I have. And it's basically a small run kept indoor with a pig lamp hanging in it. If you don't dry them properly with thee hairdryer leave them a little damp they will sort there own feathers and dry overnight and look gleaming by morning. Hope this is some help
I personally don't recommend blow drying, since it can overly dry out a bird's feathers and skin. Dry feathers are brittle, and irritated skin may cause a bird to pluck out some of its feathers--not what you want before a show. Natural air drying is usually best.
I blow dry my cochins and air dry my tight feathered birds like RIR, Rocks, Minorcas, etc. I try to use a shampoo that will clean and moisturize the feathers, horse shampoos are excellent for this. I have washed birds the day before the show, placing them in the show pens at the show when they were still pretty wet, only to win the class or show the next morning. I never completely dry them with the blow drier, I just use it to loosen and warm the feathers which allow more air and speeds the drying process. Once dry use the blow drier to fluff them up but again only blow dry loose feathered birds such as cochins, silkies and the like.

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