Silkie was attacked :(


Nov 12, 2022
Posted in a silkie FB group but mods have yet to approve so looking for advice here.

Yesterday I got home @4:30. Always check on my chicks before I leave work & when im home. Also have camera in their run (did not see anything when I later checked).

Saw my beloved Maui girl (just under 12 wks) huddled in the corner behind a roosting ladder & noticed our largest roo pecking at her. Immediately knew something was wrong picked her up & she was barely moving with eyes shut. Head wound on top of head & blood on sides of beak, poor baby. No other birds were injured & no signs of entry (our coop/run are very much locked down from predators with 1/4” hardware cloth). She was very limp in my arms and not moving much but I could feel her breathing, and not opening eyes. Immediately rushed her to local animal hospital - they said they don’t specialize in exotics but the kind vet was willing to examine her thank god. I noticed her claws were all sickled-like inwards if that makes sense and not bearing any weight. Upon examination vet palpated wound and said it was superficial thank god. After a little maneuvering & repositioning she was able to stand & bear weight on her feet! Even flapped her wings 🙏🏼 Vet did say she was quite small for her age & I believe said she weighed 0.25 kg :( so we assumed this pecking order had been going on for some time and she wasn’t able to feed as much. We check on them frequently though and I ALWAYS see her feeding (she’s the tiny one on top of the feeder lol) but breaks my heart if she wasn’t allowed as many opportunities to feed bc she’s the runt. Again the vet did not specialize in chickens but he did say he didn’t know if she’d make it but would pray for her. Asked me to call Today & Monday - sent home w a dog crate to keep her in & antibiotic ointment. Ointment 2x/day & warm compresses to top of her head wound 2-3x/day for about 5 mins continuously or intermittently tapping as shell allow us to. I initially feared brain damage based on wound location and where she wouldn’t stand. He said he wasn’t sure if she sustained brain damage but likely a concussion, again the superficial wounds & definitely shock. Said to hand water & feed her and keep her inside separate from flock mates until wound heals & feathers on head grow back.

Took her home and she drank some water from a dish! Not a ton but some. She’d kind of drop her head forward in beak like she was falling asleep then would take a few sips. Ate some blueberries & some of her feed but she drank more water than what she ate. She did stand up once or twice when I held her, and chirped a little. Able to open both eyes but mostly kept them clothes & was sleepy w/ head dropping forwards. Slept through the night and today has been doing great (I think, but want to check with you all). Has been chirping more, walking short distances, but mostly just stands still, is this normal? Wound looks much better/ yesterday it was totally red and bloodied today you could see more of her normal skin color with what looked like some white spots? She’s more alert but still closing eyes especially when we hold her. Called vet office just spoke w tech tho that was there when I brought her in said closing eyes could be that she feels comforted 🙏🏼 & color of wound sounds like her regular skin color coming back. She’s tolerating the warm compresses & ointment okay will either just snuggle up & close eyes. But will be a little squirmy which I like as that means she’s more herself. She’s drinking from her water today without my help & feeding without my help pretty regularly. Im trying not to get my hopes up but she seems to be doing so so well. My concern is where she’s mostly just standing whereas before she was pretty active. I have to keep reminding myself she’s in shock & endured serious trauma. I’m also very worried about having to keep her inside separated for fear of depression & just being alone. She’s such a curious, sweet, and social love. My husband & I are picking up a used pack & play tmrw to give her more room- the dog crate is definitely far too small. Thoughts? Insight? Anything appreciated especially Prayers & good vibes to my sweetheart Maui I love her so much 🙏🏼🫶🏻❤️‍🩹 I’m new to this site but last few pics are her today, first bunch are immediately after (if it uploaded in order)


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Forgot to add - we do have a food scale with a glass flat top. Tried to stand her on that not sure how accurate weight was but said 496 grams (so about half a kilo). Is this even possible if she gained a quarter of a kilo in a day?? That’s about half a pound so seems more likely the measurement was a little inaccurate? But I’m hopeful.
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Sorry about your silkie. Did you separate the rooster? Those head wounds can be from another chicken, especially a rooster pecking the head. The beak wounds are different, but also could be from the rooster or other chickens. Usually these heal with being sprayed with something like Vetericyn or chlorhexidene, and coating with triple antibiotic ointment twice a day. Keep her separated in a dog crate with food and water. Until she is eating and drinking better, I would feed and water her 3 times a day. Water added to chicken feed can get more water into her. Scrambled egg bits, canned cat food, tuna, and cottage cheese are some of the foods I will offer to tempt one to eat. Add a little water to everything. Sprinkling some dry crumbles may stimulate her to take a bite. Hopefully she will recover in a couple of weeks. Observe her well in case she is showing signs of something wrong. Sometimes when they walk funny or act differently, another chicken may attack them. But I would be wary of the rooster if he did this, and she was acting normal.
Sorry about your silkie. Did you separate the rooster? Those head wounds can be from another chicken, especially a rooster pecking the head. The beak wounds are different, but also could be from the rooster or other chickens. Usually these heal with being sprayed with something like Vetericyn or chlorhexidene, and coating with triple antibiotic ointment twice a day. Keep her separated in a dog crate with food and water. Until she is eating and drinking better, I would feed and water her 3 times a day. Water added to chicken feed can get more water into her. Scrambled egg bits, canned cat food, tuna, and cottage cheese are some of the foods I will offer to tempt one to eat. Add a little water to everything. Sprinkling some dry crumbles may stimulate her to take a bite. Hopefully she will recover in a couple of weeks. Observe her well in case she is showing signs of something wrong. Sometimes when they walk funny or act differently, another chicken may attack them. But I would be wary of the rooster if he did this, and she was acting normal.
I separated the injured one she is inside. But I have no idea which chicken actually started the attack? The rooster was just the one close by but vet tech said more than likely was another hen in th middle of the pecking order. We are doing the prescribed antibiotic ointment twice daily & she seems to be eating & drinking a lot more today! Good idea on water into their feed & other protein Rich foods to try! Will def keep her inside since she’s still very low energy. What would be signs of something wrong aside from not eating or drinking? I’m thinking maybe bc she was low weight? She is the tiniest one and maybe an easy target? Consistently the easiest one to pick up so slower moving perhaps? Because of lower weight? Not sure. Thank you so much for the input 🙏🏼
Don't worry about her be lonely especially when she is healing. Everything you see her do is an improvement for her. Even if you think it's strange.

The real challenge is how to prevent this from ever occurring.

What will you do to manage a peaceful flock with a runt in the group?
Don't worry about her be lonely especially when she is healing. Everything you see her do is an improvement for her. Even if you think it's strange.

The real challenge is how to prevent this from ever occurring.

What will you do to manage a peaceful flock with a runt in the group?
Yes that’s what I’m wondering and looking for ideas for as well. She does seem to be gaining weight but of course I’d like this to never happen again. Anyone have ideas?? Another group I’m a part of suggested isolating top chicken for a few days when this one rejoins the group. I am not positive if that is same chicken thst instigated the attack but do know he’s the biggest one of the bunch so the top chicken in the order.
Wire dog crates are good for separating with food and water, and they can be placed with the other chickens, where she can remain part of the flock, but not get injured. That might be something you would try, a little each day so they stay familiar. Once she is healed, you can leave the crate in there all of the time. Then have some supervised periods of free ranging. It can take time to get them back into the flock. Winter presents problems with the temperature differences, when bringing them inside and putting them outside. But keep an eye on the rooster. I had a young one who scalped a polish chicken because she wouldn’t submit to mating. He was dispatched after he brutally attacked her. I love having a rooster in my flock, but only nice ones.

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