
Flock Mistress
12 Years
Feb 28, 2007
South Eastern Indiana
Ok.....last week, it was in the 80's....I was getting spring fever so, ITS SNOWING!! I think I have a fever...just not spring fever. Prolly from standing out in the cold, at the local Catholic church, watching " The way of the Cross" I didnt make it through it all, had to leave, toooo cold. And now this...snow!! UGH!!!! Come on Spring!!

I hear ya! It was so nice here at the beginning of the week that I took pictures of my blooming crocus'!! Then... Wednesday night/Thurs AM we got 15" of snow. YUCK. The weather is in the 40's though, so there is only 3 inches left. Still! I had to run around the yard re-covering everything before the storm got here.

Our weatherman tried to remind us all that April is STILL a winter month here... LOL! Last year no real snow in my yard after February!

Sorry to hear about your cold! It seems like the fluctuating temps bring out the worst sniffles. Hope you feel better!

Queen of the Lilliputians (and ready for some 80 degree temps.. even if it brings the Black Flies!!)
I had two hens set on a clutch of eggs and hatch out 12 chicks early in the week. Today, I heard peeping and seen eggshell under another young hen. Getting down below freezing here this weekend, and has snow flurried last night and this morning. I think I am going to end up with more chickens in the house than out in the chicken barn......

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