Storytime with head roo Trifle and new girl Goldie!


May 14, 2023
Well folks, I finally have a good story to tell! Before I begin, let me introduce you to the 2 focuses!
First, meet Trifle. The ''alpha'' of the flocks and is well-respected by his main lady, Truffles. He fully matured a few months ago and sired 5 troublemaking chicks. He's a very sweet roo, a wonderful father, and a not-so-loyal but still a decent husband.

Second, here's miss Goldie. She's still a pullet and won't mature for another few months. Very sweet, play fights with her own roo, Sunny, and loves to chatter to me when I let her come out with me.

Now, we begin the story!

Today I was cleaning out the ducks' pool and waterer, leaving the pen door open for the duck flock to go forage with their roomies, the Orpingtons (Sunny and Goldie), and the welsummers (Bambi and Zazu). As I was cleaning out all the yucky mud and poo from the pool, I heard Trifle start singing his crackly song, which he usually will do when the neighbors rooster challenges him but... Said rooster was not near nor had he crowed before. So, I turned around and to my shock, this guy had the audacity to stand high up on the back of my metal chair with his chest out. Then I saw it, my pretty golden lady was standing at his side of the pen patiently watching in awe at this handsome lad. He finally jumped down and dropped his wing to begin his dance, which wooed her in no time! Much to both their disappointment, his family's pen was still locked, so they couldn't meet up front. Just through the chainlink fencing where he continued to dance and sing for her. But this budding romance didn't last long when head hen Truffles saw... She came running and puffed herself up, more than ready to duke it out with sweet Goldie, who was clueless to why this was an issue and reluctantly returned to me. Finally, I told Trifle to focus on his current family for now and I promised he could mingle with her when she's ready.

In conclusion, I love roosters! :lol:

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