Stuffed Green Olives


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
We LOVED the garlic stuffed ones that had to sit for a bit!!!

Registered User
(12/21/05 12:04 am)
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DS came home with a GALLON of pitted extra large green olives today. (long story!)... I'm thinking of stuffing them with some of the flavored cream cheeses and some of the canned 'spray' cheeses....

Does anyone have any helpful hints, like different 'stuffings' or hints on what to do with all of these olives????


Registered User
(12/21/05 2:41 am)
Reply olives
How about stuffing them with egg salad? To make my egg salad, I just chop 14-day sweet pickle chunks in my food processor, add hard-boiled eggs, salt/pepper to taste, enough mayo to moisten. Process to the texture you like; to stuff the olives, the texture will probably need to be pretty smooth.


Registered User
(12/21/05 3:14 pm)
Reply stuffed olives
I like garlic stuffed olives, but boil your cloves first to make them tender.

Registered User
(12/21/05 7:09 pm)
Reply Re: stuffed olives
How about garlic marinated olives. They are a big hit at my house, and easy to make.

Registered User
(12/22/05 4:49 am)
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Would you share your recipe Farmgirl??? They sound good!


Widely Acclaimed Chicken Psychic!
(12/22/05 3:49 pm)
Reply Re: Stuffed Green Olives
I grow A LOT of garlic every year--enough to last until the next year's crop. I always end up pickling some of it and that is very good stuffed in an olive. For Thanksgiving my son brought a jar of olives stuffed with a sliver of pickled garlic and a piece of jalepeno. Man were they good! Just make sure everyone you talk to has had some, also.
Joan<br> Near Corvallis in Western Oregon

Registered User
(12/22/05 4:35 pm)
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Registered User
(1/5/06 6:59 am)
Reply Re: Stuffed Green Olives
Opp. gues it would be helpful LOL.... Here it is.
12oz olives
8 cloves are garlic
1/4 extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar ( I used white wine vinegar last time, it worked just fine)

Drain olives, place in glass jar with tight fitting lid. Peel garlic cloves, lightly crush with broad side of knife, then add to jar. Add the oil and vinegar, place lid on jar and turn the jar to coat the olives. The marinade will not completly cover the olives so turn the jar a few times a day, when ever you think of it. Marinate in the refrigerator for atleast 2-3 days, then bring to room tomp before serving. Left over olives may continue to marinate in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Thanks for the share!

I like stuffing them with Feta or Blue cheese, myself, but I think I will try the garlic ones.

I had some, I don't even remember the name now, that I bought at Big Lots (I guess discontinued, because they were well in date)...they were lemon stuffed.

They were my favorite, and then sold out
My first choice would be to Stuff em in some martini's
. The garlic recipe sounds great too . I love roasted garlic cloves by themselves though...Thanks for the recipes

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