surprising first clutch! Anybody else?


May 27, 2023
So Polly is broody right now, it’s her first time ever going broody and so far we’ve managed to get her out of the shed every day to clean herself and eat and drink which is great! (Also from a previous thread, turns out her preen gland is totally fine thankfully and her bad feathers are shedding with healthier ones now growing in)

She’s only laid 9 eggs which doesn’t seem to be a lot compared to others, so I candled them today to see they are all fertile? Wow! What is everybody else’s broody goose clutches looking like? I’m curious now 😅 I don’t think all hers will hatch but I’m interested to see what happens

Besides her eggs, she’s still been very cuddly and loving with me, she loves to crawl into my lap for a cuddle which I’m happy about lol, even when she has babies she’ll always be my baby I think

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