Tattooing birds for ID

This is an old thread and some of the older members haven't posted in a few years. The fellow you quoted hasn't posted since (Last seen May 22, 2016 ). Maybe they will be notified they have been quoted and respond. Good luck...
I personally have never had anyone steal my birds, but I have several game cameras up on my property with several pointed at the coops. If you can get pictures of the thief you will have proof. I have had some people steal my egg money and eggs. One went to jail but she was stealing from others too that turned her in. The others I warned if they came back on my property I would give the pictures to the sheriff's department and so far they haven't come back. I do have a sign up that I have cameras.

I am just curious (don't care about thieves and cop stuff) has anyone on here had any success tattooing baby chicks for breeding and identifying and marking chicks with tattoos? Will they take in the thin skin and are they permanent? Instead of toe punches, etc??

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