The birb king's chickens

Sorry I haven't been able to update in awhile I was unnecessarily banned. Sadly we lost chocolate recently. Somehow she got wry neck which made her spin in circles constantly and not be able to move her neck to even eat or drink properly. From the way I found her it looks like she fell off the roost at night, landed on her back, and suffocated. It just sucks that she was my best quality Serama hen and now I'm down to only 5 Serama hens. Luckily I think the 2 Serama chicks are hers since they are both chocolate colored and she was my only chocolate adult, but I have put a new batch of 10 Serama eggs in the incubator to hopefully get more.
My most recent batch of eggs hatched! And I ended up with 11 hatching out of 14 eggs, so a really good hatch rate. Ended up with 3 lavender Ameraucanas, 1 Blue Ameraucana, 4 Marans mixes, and 2 pure Wheaton Marans. 3 needed help hatching and weren't doing great at first but they look great now. I tried giving them to both of my broody hens today but they did not accept them, so I guess they will just have to stay in the brooder

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