Tilapia / Chickens - Feeding them.

White Nile tilapia is a better food fish to raise than hybrid stripe bass because it eats duck weed. Duck weed has 56% protein and grows very fast, so its good to grow in a return tank. It also helps balance the water quality.
Give them places to hide in. Your substrate for the settling tank, some use the ceramic pellets. Others use spirally plastic. If you use plastic, rip off a wad of that and throw it in the main tank to float around, it gives the fry places to hide once they leave momma's mouth so they don't end up in dad's stomach until you can get them out of there or they are big enough to fend for themselves.

2lb is a perfect size for them IMO. Big enough to get a yummy filet for the smoker but not big enough that they are getting tough and nasty. You want tender Tilapia, not a crappy carp on your plate!

Ahhhh @Ascholten you are one of my favorite people on BYC, always make me laugh! It’s a good experiment, looking forward to see how it goes for you!
I appreciate that eggers. I just try to be myself where I go. I tend to piss people off more than they like me but well, it is what it is. This is me, and at the end of the day, I'll always be honest with you, like me or not for it. You'll know what I am thinking and where I stand.


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