Turkey supplies


9 Years
Aug 6, 2014
South West Wisconsin - Driftless Area
My Coop
My Coop
What supplies do I need to start raising turkeys? Probably start with 6. They will be babies, so---
I have a 6X8 shelter that's not totaly ready yet.
I have chickens nearby with their own coop and run. They do free range.
I have an extra 5 gal waterer, but not sure on feeder for once they are out and grown.
A 6'x8' shelter is only big enough for 2 adult turkeys. They won't even have enough room to get away from each other.

Getting poults requires a brooder, a heat source, high protein turkey or game bird starter.

Porter's Poult Starting Tips

For the adults I use a 5 gallon bucket for their water source.

Mine eat from the same 150 lb. feeder that the chickens eat from.

My adult turkeys roost outside on roosts that are protected from the prevailing wind.

If blackhead is a problem where you live, you do not want the turkeys mixed with the chickens or on ground the chickens have been on recently.
you’re gonna need a bigger shelter. As far as raising them it’s the same as chickens they are a little more fragile but as long as you provide them high quality food and clean water along with heat they will do great.

I highly recommend spending the money on a name brand gamebird starter to make sure as their nutritional needs are different than chickens so even if you get the right protein you can still not have the right amounts of essential nutrients. I have personally seen this lead to issues on birds when people didn’t know better.

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