Unknown illness?


Feb 1, 2023
My chicken has previously struggled with sour crop but now suddenly after she’s gotten better for the last month I noticed she’s been a little lethargic. Now she is quite lethargic and eating very little unless it’s snacks. Here are her symptoms:
-Runny droppings
-Poopy butt
-Pale comb
-Lack of appetite
-Lack of interest
-Standing around and sleeping a lot
She’s about 3 years old now so I’m not sure if egg production is really relevant because she’s barely been laying eggs since the start of this year
My mom is suspecting worms. If it is worms what dewormer should I use? Is safeguard dewormer for goats an ok dewormer? I’m not sure if worms are contagious but considering my chicken has been acting a little weird for about a month now I don’t understand why my other chickens are completely fine. Is it worth deworming her or just taking her straight to the vet?
Most vets don't know anything about chickens.
You can use Valbazen goat wormer. Worms are contagious, yes and if one has them, they all have them.
I already scheduled an appointment with my local exotic vet. I trust my vet and they’ve been seeing my disabled duck for awhile but I’ll still go ahead and order a dewormer on my own just to be sure! I’m just wary of a bigger issue like possibly gut issues/crop issue that I can’t treat on my own
An update for anyone having similar issues with their hen in the future:

She had an overgrowth of gram negative bacteria in her crop. So not the traditional sour crop that is an overgrowth of yeast. She was prescribed amoxicillin potassium and seems to be doing good only 3 days after she’s taken the medication twice daily. So hopefully she’s making a full recovery very soon :D

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