We took a little nap


12 Years
Feb 6, 2007
Ughhh! I hate when a single chick hatches, peeeep, peep, peep, peeeep!!!!! Its enough to drive me up the wall, especially when I'm in here trying to pay bills.

I could hear the next one getting ready to pop but this one was on my last nerve. I scooped it up, decided a nap would do us both good. Went out to the couch, stretched out with the loud mouth next to me under a sweater. A couple of peeps later and we're both snoozing. Then I snap awake, I hear that the other is out of the shell. I laid there for a moment because the peep was still asleep.

Brought it in here, put it with the new hatchling. Peeeeep!!!! peep, peep, peep, peeeep!!! Not happy wants its couch and sweater back. I think I'll move my computer out to the dining room for a day or two. I hear number 3 talking now, maybe big mouth will encourage it to hurry up.
LOL, see what you've done? Created a monster chick that wont be happy until it is a full on house chick with diapers and a spot in front of the TV.


Of course, there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you are still in charge of the remote!
Yep, they take over the remote, gripe about not having a blankie and a pillow, and then they won't let you sit on it unless you're snuggling them. God forbid that you take their spot.

I think mine has been consorting with my cat.

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