Well parrot people meet Paulie...

well this is what DH has tried so far with Paulie - when she is in her cage he will go to her slowly and not making any sudden moves he gets down at her eye level, talks to her in a real low soft voice, and will give her some of her fav treats ( bread, crackers, peanuts etc...) she takes the treats - sometimes eats it or just drops it and she will ATTACK her toys biting them and shaking them and she will mock charge him always reaching out to try and bite him through the bars.
when she is out of her cage and just hanging around the top of it she will lower her head and run at him and try to bite him. she will even get to the very edge of the cage and reach out trying to bite him-- she does this with all men - and if they happen to smell like smoke from a cig. she goes bonkers - he has tried for 3 years to at least keep the peace between them but nothing he has done has worked I think the man who had her was just so terrible that nothing DH will ever do will change her mind about him.
once Paulie was on top of her cage and for some reason DH wanted to see if she would " step up " on his arm so he had a sweatshirt on and put it down at cage level told her to step up - she did and hung out for about 2 seconds than bite him so hard I had to get her off of him - she left a mark on his arm that turned blue and took 3 days to go away.

I never knew how small lovebird eggs were until Cupid starting to lay I am going to get a pic of eggs starting from cupids to my banty to the largest one in the frig - just because lol -

Awww....Paulie really must have been treated horribly by the lower life form that had her before. It is so great that your DH understands she must have been through hell and gently tries to get her to relax - even if it never works,
See if you can't try the method I talked about. When she attakcs her toys, move away a little bit and wait for the behavior to stop, even if just for a second. The second her body relaxes, click or make another noise and walk away. It shouldn't take long to see if she reacts to the training, but it's worth a try!
we will give it a try - even if Paulie never lets DH hold her - I would just be happy to have her calm down when he is around, maybe be able to put his hand in her cage to fill her food dish - in case I am not home for some reason.
thank you for the advice DH says he is willing to try anything


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